![]() Mission: Summary: 19 July. Section moved to Aizac and established a base on a mountain overlooking Antraigue. 23
July. The first target was a 500 ft. highway suspension bridge crossing
the Rhone River. Lt. Rickerson with one detail applied 8 plastic charges,
20 pounds each, on the cables. Fuses were lit, personnel withdrew, and
the bridge dropped flat into the river, obstructing all river traffic. 29 July. With Maquis, Section ambushed a column of 400 Germans near Lesvans, killing approx. 100 and destroying a tank, vehicles and equipment. 12 August. Two American fliers downed 6 months earlier joined the unit, and on the 19th a Mustang was shot down and the pilot joined the Section. (Lt. Hornsby) They participated in unit activities. 22-25 August. German columns traveling through the Ardeche were tracked and harassed daily and on the 25th the Section and Maquis took position overlooking the city of Vallon where 10,000 Germans were reported. Fire, including that from a 37 mm. gun, on the escaping Germans resulted in 200 enemy killed, large guns and vehicles knocked out, and a motor pool and fuel dump destroyed. The Maquis withdrew and, with exchanging fire, the Section withdrew. 31
August. The French Army, heading north from the coast, reached Vals. Lt. Rickerson with T/5 Collette, Lt. Fontaine (from OG Section Lafayette), a Captain (Maquis), and Lt. Henry (Maquis) learned of the possibility that Germans in the vicinity of Chambonte might surrender. Conference with the Colonel in charge was arranged and Lt. Rickerson convinced the Colonel that they were surrounded by Allied Armies. The decision was reached that all but one commander, who later yielded, would surrender. Nearly 4000 became prisoners.
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